Tuesday, August 28, 2007


On one of the only sunny days we've had this summer, Baby was doing his own thing, by crawling from the living room to his high chair in the kitchen.

Along the way, something stopped him in his tracks. He was puzzled by the change in the color of the wood floor. He was minding his own business and then right there, under his hands and knees, was something new. Something unfamiliar. Something fascinating. Something puzzling.

He looked along the length of light, scrunched his forehead, looked at me with big eyes, turned back to the streak, and then stroked his hand along the length of it.

Just marvelous.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Sitting at my computer, I hear giggles, squeeky- and deep-voiced, coming from the room next door.

Ah, the happy sounds of Papa and Baby Boy goofing around sure warm this mother's heart.

Who knew?

Today baby was fascinated by me doing single and double leglifts. He couldn't figure it all out, so he climbed on my belly and started crawling up my legs towards my toes.

Baby got a good laugh, and I got a good workout!

Friday, August 3, 2007


I've had all sorts of jobs in my life. I've worked as a photo sales rep at People Magazine; as a photo editor; manager of a photo agency; a journalist whose beat was the soap opera, "The Bold and the Beautiful"; as an assistant to alcoholic and/or rude producers in Hollywood; as an accountant; as a yoga teacher; as a driver for a cancer victim getting radiation treatments and blood transfusions; as an Arthur Murray's ballroom dance teacher, and more.

These days I have a job that is non-stop work, the hours are long, I get spit-up on, my muscles ache, my memory is shot, I'm often tired, I have little time for myself and there are no vacations.

I'm a full-time mother and I'm happier than I've ever been.

Now if only I could get paid for this job...